Meet Our Team

The Ministry of CBMC
CBMC began as Christian Business Men's Committee in 1930 when a group of Christian businessmen saw a need for a spiritual revival and organized a six-week evangelistic crusade in downtown Chicago. Public response from the first meeting on January 6, 1931, was overwhelming.
Today, CBMC has grown from a small group of men in Chicago to over 18,000 members in 700 teams across the United States. Worldwide, CBMC is active in over 70 countries with over 50,000 total members.
Triangle CBMC touches the lives of nearly 1,000 people annually.
How we work
Our focus is on building life-on-life relationships: professional businessmen living in community with one another, united by a love for Christ and a desire to make him known in the Triangle Area for the glory of God.
CBMC Teams consist of 5-15 Christian men in the marketplace with a trained facilitator, meeting weekly or monthly to equip and encourage each other in applying God's Word to their business and personal lives. As Marketplace Ambassadors for Christ, these men are intentional about investing in the lives of others for the purpose of reaching the lost for Christ.
As a part of our mission to make Christ known in the Triangle and the surrounding areas, we host a variety of public events annually to introduce CBMC to a larger audience and to create opportunities for connecting with lost people in our community.
We've developed an online, interactive platform for engaging the Bible with others: The Advancement System. The Advancement System is host to an ever-growing array of resources, each designed to facilitate the relational discipleship experience that occurs between two businessmen walking alongside each other in Christian maturity and growth.